Financial Aid Survey

What was the nature of your visit to the MSU Financial Aid Office? (check all that apply):
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements regarding the MSU Financial Aid Office STAFF. If a question does not apply as to your experience with the staff, please mark "Does Not Apply".
I received prompt service.
The person who assisted me was courteous and friendly.
The person who assisted me was knowledgeable.
The Financial Aid Office staff answered my questions in a clear and concise manner.
Overall, I was satisfied with the customer service I received during my visit to the MSU Financial Aid Office.
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements regarding the financial aid PROCESS. If a question does not apply as to your experience with the finanical aid process, please mark "Does Not Apply".
The FAFSA application was readily available to me.
The Financial Aid Office requested additional information (tax returns, etc.) from me in a timely manner.
The Financial Aid Office notified me of my award(s) in a timely manner.
I was able to follow the progress of my financial aid application via MSU's WebWorld.
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements regarding your AWARD(S) and REFUND. If a question does not apply as to your experience with awards and/or refunds, please mark "Does Not Apply".
My award notification clearly detailed the types and amounts of financial aid I was eligible to receive.
I was able to view my financial aid award(s) via MSU's WebWorld.
I received a student loan and the loan instructions were clear and concise when processing my loan guarantee and online Entrance Session.
My grants and/or student loans were disbursed to my MSU student account in a timely manner.
The MSU BUSINESS OFFICE sent my student refund check (if applicable) to me in a timely manner after all university expenses were paid.
The MSU Financial Aid Office values the input of our students. In our efforts to continually improve, we encourage you to provide your opinions and thoughts about our services.