2024-2025 Summer Financial Aid Application -

2024-2025 Summer Financial Aid Application

This form is for 2025 Summer terms from May 2025 through August 2025. 
In order to be considered for summer financial aid, we need more information.
This requires you to have a 2024-2025 Fafsa on file.
What types of aid is requested? You can select multiple options.
Classification: Select only 1
How many hours do you plan on enrolling for summer 1?
How many hours do you plan on enrolling for summer 2?
Will you be enrolled  in the Summer 1 term from June through August in programs such as (Rad Tech, Nursing Clinicals, Nursing courses, etc)?
Do any of the enrolled hours above include hours in an approved international Studies Abroad program? (Example: Mexico, Spain, Italy,London,etc?)
What will be your housing status?
If On-Campus, Are you or will you be a Resident Assistant receiving reduced or free room and/or board?
Are you an Oklahoma resident that resides in a bordering county to Texas? 
Do you have Dependent/Child Care Expenses?
Will you (student) being receiving any Academic or ATHLETIC Scholarship in summer1 or summer 2?
Will the student receive the Hazlewood Tuition Waiver?
Will the student receive benefits from other federal or state agencies?
Certification Statement:
I certify the information on this form is correct. I will inform the MSU financial aid office of any changes to this information, including the receipt of any additional financial assistance or scholarships during the application period(s). 
I have read and understand th4e Satisfactory Academic Progress and the Federal and State refund and repayment policy pertaining to my eligibility and continued eligibility for financial aid at MSU. I understand that I cannot receive financial aid from two colleges at the same time period of enrollment.